Green and blue
Expose nature's heart so true,
Grass and skies,
Happiness and sighs,
Walks in the countryside,
Show me earth colours,
Although they're all sprayed,
With colourful flowers,
White is for pure,
Blood points at red,
Of which my country's sure,
Our old fathers shed,
But deep red's also passion,
Ambition and progression,
Courage, risk and determination,
In fulfilling our obligation,
Pink soothes me to softness,
I close my eyes,
Feel its childish, sweet caress,
For it represents innocence,
Of a child, thoughts so mild.
Oranges and yellows,
Bring sunshine to mind,
Brightness, stars and happy hellos,
Of every morning, a blessing find,
Lastly, into my purple I plunge,
All kinds of lilacs, violets,
Indigos and plums,
For 'tis the colour that massages my soul,
The colour of music,
Where depth and serenity flow,
The colour which finally,
Will lead me to them,
The seven hues of the rainbow.
Oh Dear Amaryllis ~ Your writings always touch me so deeply. Your soul and mine vibrate to the same rhythms deep inside. I feel so as if you wrote from my heart too. Bless your beautiful spirit. I just love how you express yourself so wondrously. I can't say that enough. Thank you for all you share. I really miss being able to read your other work. Wish I could understand your native language. Much Love and respect, Your Maricet